Tuesday, March 31, 2009

Where would I be without commercial posts? Nowhere, that's where. This one's a couple months old, but I still can't get over my bizarre obsession with it.

The “main character,” the father/husband walks in to the house and declares that the family can now talk to their friends and family as much as they want, to which his wife responds, “like vivian” and the husband replies in the affirmative. Then the commercial gets a little stranger. (Well, already strange is the man's choice of dress. For what job could the dress code possibly be wearing an ugly brown sport coat, shirt and tie, and jeans? Or does he just leave the house that way casually? Odd, either way.) The middle son suggests they could talk to “skinny pete.” Who is this “Skinny Pete” character? Some sort of hoodlum? Who has a friend named skinny pete? And why is he so skinny anyway? Maybe he should eat more. No one reacts, and subsequently the youngest son suggests the father could call the woman he's always staring at in the boy's soccer practice, creating a classic commercial awkward moment, for which the father stares dumfounded for about half a second. The daughter then chimes in, asserting she could now call “derek” who her father refers to as “derek with the mustang and the mustache,” and tells her that there's a no dereks with mustaches clause in the fine print. The two particularly noteworthy things here, aside from just the bizarre combination of mustache and mustang are one, that when he tells her about the clause she steps forward and leans into him, as if she actually believes such a clause could exist and she wants to read it for herself and two, that the father calls his daughter “dude.” Who does that? Isn't that weird? I feel like it would be a little weird maybe to call your son dude, but your daughter? What a drag.

I can't explain it. There's nothing that jumps out about this commercial. I just like it.


AndrewEberle said...

Ben and I call our mom "dude". Jessica used to call me "dude" when we were dating, which annoyed the shit out of me. This commercial is amusing and I think you should embrace the sports coat and jeans look.

waldinho said...

Is nowhere actually a "where"?