Monday, July 13, 2009

A quick laundry lists of non-TV show related thoughts of late...

- I'm not exactly much of a dreamsmith (I'm fairly sure that's not a word but I'm going to write it anyway - and mean someone who is an expert on dreams, or talks about their dreams, or something) but I had a couple of mildly amusing dreams recently

- First, there is a program (this part is real) Birthright which pays for college age to mid-20s jews to go to Israel. In my dream, a new corollary to this program had been added called Birthright: Moon in which rich jews paid for other jews to take a trip to the moon. Probably a glimpse into the future, though I'm not sure whether that means the moon will be the new jewish homeland or something.

- If that wasn't a glimpse into the future, surely this must be - I was watching TV (okay, I can't even escape TV in my dreams (for that matter baseball either - in the lamest dream of all time a few weeks ago I was reading about an argument comparing Christy Mathewson and Walter Johnson before I woke up)), Lost in particular - and the new outrageous plot twist was that the island was somehow inhabitied by zombies, who had already turned a couple members of the island. I remember even being disgusted in the dream - Lost has a lot of ridiculous shit - time travel, etc. - but I remember thinking that even they wouldn't go to zombies. But they did.

- I just watched King Kong a few days ago (the Peter Jackson 2005 one) and during the last half hour of the movie or so King Kong has picked up Naomi Watts and climbed up to the top of the Empire State Building. At some point Adrian Brody finds out she's up there and decides to go in and help her out, at which time he runs into the building past the police and gets into the elevator. He then proceeds to spend something like 20 minutes on the elevator. It's ridiculous. I mean, I know elevators must have been slow back then - but what's the point of building an incredibly tall building if it's going to take 20 minutes to get from one floor to another. While he's riding, planes are attacking Kong, and even though it barely started by the time he got on, Kong is dead by the time he gets there.

- I'm tired of these anti smoking ads that air constantly, particularly during baseball games. I have tried in vain to find the commercials on youtube, but basically there are three that repeat a lot. One just shows a bunch of organs and some surgery, and frankly is quite disgusting. The second is an ambush commercial - it pretends to be a scene out of a romantic comedy, only to tell you that the father who should be walking his daughter down the aisle is instead in a hospital. The third features a doctor who opens a door and gives several potential diagnosises to a patient - "You have lung cancer" and many more like that. They make viewing unpleasant. Here's a deal - if I don't smoke I shouldn't have to watch these commercials (I mean clearly if you do you shouldn't either, but I'm trying to comprimise) - it's really not fair to non-smokers to make them suffer.

- I got an e-mail randomly that was from Yahoo and told me that Geocities is closing, for good. While I was under the impression geocities was already gone (someone I can't remember who had passed along the theory that whenever you typed in a geocities address you'd get a 404 file not found) a word deserves to be said in memory if not of just merely geocities, of an era. A time when whether it was on geocities, angelfire, tripod, or whatever, every middle schooler had their own extremely poorly constructed website with a counter and a scrolling bar on the side. What a time to be alive.

1 comment:

waldinho said...

Couple of responses:

1. Birthright: Moon sounds phenomenal.
2. I wish I dreamed about comparisons between Big Six and Big Train
3. My website had a counter, but I could never get it to work. And don't forget about the guestbooks, which would invariably be 90% signed by people you know and 10% signed by someone who you had no idea who they were.